Performing the Surya Namaskar Tadasana or Mountain. Lengthen the spine, shoulders are back and down. Weight evenly on both feetHasta Uttanasana. Standing back bend. Lengthen the spine and do not compress the lower back. Uttansana or standing forward fold. Ashwa Sanchalasana or Crescent Low Lunge. Lengthen spine Back knee on floor Gaze diagonally upward Align knee over anklePalakasana or plank. Wrist and shoulders in line. Taking the weight in the core.Astanga Namaskar. 8 limbs. Elbows tucked into the ribs. Chest and chin on the floor. Butt up. Bujangasana or cobra. Elbows tucked in and bent, shoulders are back and down.Adho murka svanasana. Downward facing dog. Push the floor away with hands and feet. Raise the hips towards the sky. Core is engagedAshwa Sanchalasana or Crescent Low Lunge. Lengthen spine Back knee on floor Gaze diagonally upward Align knee over ankleUttansana or standing forward fold. Hasta Uttanasana. Standing back bend. Look upwards.Tadasana or Mountain. Lengthen the spine, shoulders are back and down. Weight evenly on both feet Did you find this useful? To help fund this and other similar pages, we appreciate your small contribution.