A kettle bell is like a dumbbell with a kettle’s handle at the top. Because of its design, the way you lift it and swing it causes it to have a shifting centre of gravity. This means that your body in motion when lifting and swinging the kettle bell is constantly adjusting to the shifting centre of gravity of the kettle bells. This consequently means that your muscles are at work more than when lifting bar bells or dumbbells. Which means you get a more intense workout.

Some benefits of working with kettle bells are:
- It is both a strength and cardio workout. Because of the handle, and the position of the mass, the kettle bell is suitable for it to be swung and lifted in a series of complex movements. This means you can perform complex ballistic movements in bursts thereby working strength as well as cardio.
- It improves functional strength as the movements you perform when you lift and swing the bells are basic movements that you will use in every day activities.
- It is a total body workout because multiple muscle groups can be targeted.
This video is a routine I normally use as my total body conditioning workout when I am not running or doing yoga.
Fun fact: Kettlebells originated in 17th century Russia where pyramid-shaped weights called “giri” were used on huge scales to measure grain, feed and meat.