Last week our Prime Minister announced the most drastic measure yet in efforts to curb COVID19 infections. He called this measure, circuit breaker.
A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit. In this case, the excess current is this COVID19 bug and this measure is hoped to break the circuit of infections. My friend here is showing another circuit breaker like a champ.
We are to stay at home, limit or even stop interactions with individuals outside of our own households. Non essential work places are to close and employees are to work from home, schools are closed and students will have their lessons at home through the magic of internet and Zoom. We are however allowed to go to the parks to exercise while exercising social distancing of course.
With 30 days of not commuting to the office or anywhere people will have time on their hands from all the saved journeys. Being cooped up will mean stress. A release valve will be needed to remain sane.

I ran 10km at the beach at midday the day before Circuit breaker kicked in. I went all out to see how fast I could go. This was me benchmarking. The benchmark was 56mins 58 seconds. This was not my fastest, when younger I ran this distance considerably faster than 56 minutes. I performed one more benchmarking, I managed 10 pull ups in a set. This too was not the most pull ups I could do in a set. These benchmarks are me now.

I would like to improve on these 2 benchmarks, so my goals for this month are;
Primary: To run 10km 50 minutes or under on the weekend of 5th of May 2020. Secondary: To perform the 12 pull ups on or before the weekend of 5th of May.
For my primary goal, I will embark on my own R4L training program based on FIRST. The program is based on only 3 quality run workouts per week. Each run workout having its specific purpose in terms of adaptation and physical manifestation. Get in touch to learn more.
I will be posting updates of my training here. So subscribe to receive notifications of my updates.
Bonus goal: To put on my T shirt while doing a handstand, like my friend Karol here.
what is the final destination?
no physical destination. When you run, the run itself is the enjoyment. the destination is secondary