This #bigkidmoment story is truly inspirational.
My army buddy, who wrote to his daughters a letter on the eve of his first attempt at the half marathon in the 2018 Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, had overcome injury and debilitating pain to triumph.

Hashim had endured 3 years of pain, painful rehabilitation and progressive training with R4L’s training programmes to complete in 2017 a 10km race and now in 2018 a half marathon.

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This is his story.
Professionally I am desk bound. I work on my computer all through my workday. Socially I lead an active lifestyle, brisk walking, trekking and running together with like minded fitness enthusiasts whom I call friends.
But 3 three years ago I experienced lower back pain. Normal activities like walking to the supermarket for groceries became something of a discomfort and bothersome. Pain and tingling sensations were flowing down from my lower back to my legs when I move and even when I sit still. I depended on painkillers such as paracetamol, anarex and acrcoxia.
Making matters worst, early in 2017 the back of my neck began to give me pain. I felt a tingling sensation flowing down my arms, prickling and numbing my fingers. My morale and well being was at its lowest ebb. It was hard to come to terms with my neck and back causing me pain with the smallest of physical exertion. Especially so since prior to this, I was an active person.
My rehabilitation started with physiotherapy. Initailly I was made to walk slowly on a treadmill, progressing to slow jog lasting 5 minutes. After 6 months I was discharged with these parting words from the physio, “…feel you are now fit enough for your daily activities….If running or jogging causes you pain, please stop that activity for now…. you may like to do alternative activity like swimming. But, please do continue doing the exercises we taught you at home. Relax, don’t be so stressed”
The progress I made on the treadmill was a motivating factor. The quest to overcome the pain and then run the distance again become a personal mission. I am very grateful to my coach, Mr Khairil Anuar whom I met while serving our national service in the army back in our youth. He inspired me to stay fit and healthy and to take up running again. In 2017, I managed to participate and complete a 10km race event. To overcome my pain and complete the race was a momentous event for me. It was a joy to progress from just walking on the treadmill, enduring the back pain and numbness on my left thigh, and to finally complete the 10km distance. I remembered vividly how I did a selfie, grimacing a little instead of smiling, while holding the 10km finisher medallion, my neck was actually in pain.
In early 2018, I penned a personal plan towards understanding and overcoming my pain and to complete the half marathon race late in the year.
In May 2018, I had a neck x-ray done. My bone mass was said to be fine, but, due to pain, I was referred to undergo physiotherapy session for the neck. Then, I doubted I would be able to run and last the distance without pain.
In September 2018, I met Dr Kevin Tomassini of Spine and Performance who gave me the ‘last push’. My first appointment with Dr Kevin Tomassini was very reassuring. By late November 2018, after about 10 sessions of chiropractic procedures, the numbness and tingling sensation at my arm and fingers were completely gone. His treatment worked for me.
R4L training plan and the chiropractic treatment resulted in (1) personal best time of 28 minutes for 5km (2) highest ever monthly mileage of 86km. I was ready for my half marathon.
My coach, Mr Khairil, had all along believed I could do it. Dr Kevin Tomassini’s treatment gave me that extra confidence.
Hashim Esa. This run was dedicated to my lovely wife & 2 daughters, Siti, Mirrah and Nuha. Dr. Kevin Tomassini of Spine and Performance. Physiotherapists and doctors. My coach, Khairil

my neck was actually in pain, 2017
Hashim completed the half marathon this year in 2hrs 32 minutes. Kudos.

…2018 with friends and his half marathon medal