In 2015, in an interview in Berita Harian, I was asked what my running goal was. My answer was that I wished to get more people in my community to run.

Up top, down low. Running and making friends
Through a running group of some army friends I have managed to get some people to run or trek. The Bakti Boys’ did it , What have I done?
Last weekend, I got it done on a larger scale. On 16th September 2018, 750 runners went on a Harmony Run 2018, a fun run, which I help organise as a Race Director. Both the event and my role was a first. And it gave me the thrill of the #bigkidmoment.
Big kid moment, every one should have these, are moments we take for ourselves to indulge in things we love. It is us doing something special, extraordinary and exhilarating. Doing something a kid would do on a whim, because that is what kids do.
My very first race as a Race Director and I got to do what I wanted. Get people to run. Brilliant!
This year’s Harmony Run 2018 is an inaugural event. It is a fun run of 5km is organized by Al Istighfar mosque.
The objective of this run is to promote healthy lifestyle and interracial and interfaith Harmony.
My friends, Ahmad, Andy, Azhar, Daud, Hashim, Puad and Zailani, helped me realise this big kid moment and I am ever so grateful.

These guys planted the seed that grew into The Harmony Run

The Team that made it happened

more people who made it happened, the warm up leaders, Karol, Shahrul and Khairul and the emcee, Suhami Yusof
Preparations, presentations, check lists and more preparations began months earlier in April. But it was only in July that we started to hustle. And although when race week approached, most of the items were checked off the list, at the back of my head, I was worrying about the item that was supposed to be on that list but was not.
Right up till the eve of the race.
As always, my friend, Harpreet with whom I had dinner and drink with on race eve, told me to trust that the preparations were in order and that things would work out and if it didn’t, we would still somehow make it work.
Race morning came, more items were checked off the list, Suhaimi Yusof, the emcee started to hype the crowd, he tried some warm up moves, then left it to trainers to lead the warm up, the Guest of Honours DPM Teo Chee Hean and MP Zainal Sapari arrived, climbed up the podium and flagged and tooted off the runners. The race was now really afoot.

DPM Teo flagging off the race. He and MP Zainal Sapari joined the runners

Friends that came to run.

More friends and family

His first race and he said it was a START

more family. one came back to run after 2 years off, another one will soon start I hope
What was great was to see the different faiths in Singapore spending a Sunday morning together, making friends and running or walking. I had my wish, my #bigkidmoment!

Different but the same, Singaporeans having a run of a time at Harmony Run 2018
For more photos of Harmony Run: Here for Harmony Run Gallery
Learning points:
- You need people to make things happen. Have friends and family to support you.
- Trust your checklist. Worry a little but trust your checklist.
- Running is a wonderful way to make friends.