The Finish Line
The big goal for Daud, Puad, Azhar and Hashim in 2017 was the 10km race of the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. #SCSM2017. Andy ran the half marathon.
They achieved their 2017 fitness goal.
Azhar did not make the race as at the last minute he had to be in Jakarta for a conference.

With the medals. Andy had to scoot off.
The Bakti boys started training in August, with R4L’s progressive training program which comprises 2 sessions per week. Starting with walk/ run intervals, progressing to run repeats over varying short distances and pace to longer non stop running.
There was also a smaller race goal, the 5km #UrgentRun 2017. The smaller goal was a confidence building exercise. Having completed that smaller goal of 5km, a 10km race did not look so daunting.
Hashim says:
My race plan was to maintain pacing between 6.15 to 7.00. Went to fast for the 1st 5k. Maybe too too overwhelmed by the crowd. Climbed up Shears bridge, almost everyone else were walking. At the / near the top, … pancit. So walked abt 50m, & then ran downslope again. I thought my second 5km leg was tough.
On the whole, its still within race pace plan. The best i could.
What a memorable run.
the run , dedicated to
– myself,
– for norshad,
– for coach khairil,
– for all fitness kakis and teamates,… for my all my rohingjas friends .

Happy Hashim showing off his medal
Puad says:
I enjoyed my first Singapore Marathon. The training I had a couple of months before really help. I was suprised myself for not feeling tired until at the last 2 km. But I continued and was happy to finish the 10km without stopping except for taking some drinks at the drink stop. Even if i were to walk to finish the race, I would have been happy to join the biggest running show in Singapore! Cheers! 😊
Puad and Hashim with their medals
The boys are already thinking of 2018 goals.
Break down goals to smaller manageable goals. We fear stepping out to do the big things. But what are big things but smaller things put together in a logical sequence?
Race day Gallery for race day photos
Training Gallery for training photos
Photo credits: Hashim