I had intended to mount the Elephant running. It seemed quite impossible when I saw these steps. I had not reckoned on a 500m gain in altitude in 1km, all of which was on steps so high and relentless that I contented myself with walking to the top, then running around one of the dirt trails that went around the Elephant.

See how high the steps are
There are several entrance to mount the Elephant. I started this run, which turned out to be a hike at the Dài tiān diàn líng yún gōng (代天殿靈雲宮). Getting here was simple. Take the Metro to Xiangshan station on the Tamsui-Xinyi Line, the red one. Then take Exit 2 and head west at the park. There are signs indicating the start point.
And once you’re on the trail, just follow the elephant and you will not get lost. In fact, there is no way to get lost.

Follow the elephant and you will not get lost up here.
It was a truly relentless gain in altitude, the high steps making it a steep incline. There are dirt trails fanning out at different points of the climb, These trails circumnavigate contour lines of the ridge. Running one of these dirt trails was enjoyable. Unlike Macritchie back home the canopy was light and the sun’s ray crept through the canopy to kiss my skin. The terrain was similar with gentle undulating climbs and descents. There were however some challenging climbs as well, though not as challenging as the steps. One can do 8km and a bit meandering through these trails. I did not meander too much, just stuck to one trail along the ridge line. This way I was sure I would not lose my way.

On the Elephant’s trail. One of the dirt trails that follow the ridge lines of the Elephant.
This is where you can get a wonderful of view of the city and its iconic Taipei 101.

The iconic 101 as seen from the Elephant
In a new city, do not be afraid to get out and run. You’ll be amazed at what you will find. I found Xiangshan a wonderfully tranquil and yet challenging run. As in life when confronted with something new and foreign, grab the elephant by the trunk and embrace it. Challenge yourself with something new each day and you will be thankful for the experience.
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